Thursday, March 29, 2012

Baby's first race!

Baby Stubbendick ran his first race, the Madison Shamrock Shuffle, on St. Patrick's day!  Thanks to an amazing sister and awesome friends, mom and baby made it through 6.2 miles.  Erica and Maria stayed by my side the entire time and we can't thank them enough for their support and encouragment.  The weather was incredibly warm for WI but we felt proud as Maria could only find one other pregnant lady on the course - and she was walking.  It can only mean one of two things, I am either determined to keep running or I am totally crazy.  Either way, it was a ton of fun and I can not wait to tell baby about this adventure.  We aren't signed up for any more races yet, but Grandma Karen is counting on us for a 5k in June...chances are there will be a lot more walking than jogging, but we will be happy to support the YWCA with Grandma!  Cheers to Fitness and Fun :)


Mara, Me, Dawn, Jennifer
Thanks ladies for the fun-filled day and the "Leprechon on Board" tank :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

25 weeks!

There are days that June seems like forever away, but looking back we wonder, where have the last 25 weeks gone?  It is crazy how fast time goes and how fast the baby is growing!  We can tell he is getting bigger, not only by the size of my belly, but by the force behind his movements!  It has been fun for Justin to feel him move in my stomach and in recent weeks, SEE him move!  He is starting to respond to the type of food I eat.  It never fails, when I have spicy foods, he will get the hiccups.  It is amazing how fast they grow.  Below are a few updated pictures of the baby bump :)

We are excited to start getting the nursery ready.  We have been working hard at rearranging to make room for a little one.  Thanks to the Schattschneider family, we have a crib and changing table.  Auntie Erica plans to help with the painting and design of the nursery.  We hope to get a lot done in the upcoming weeks, June will be here before we know it! 




Dear Baby,
Your mommy and daddy's love for you grows each day.  We have had so much fun watching you grow in mom's belly and are excited to see how big you get in the next 3 months.  You are such an active little guy!  Your dad enjoys feeling and watching you move in mom's tummy.  As much as we want to meet you, we want you to grow to your strongest before we do.  Keep going strong in there, we love you more than words can say!