Friday, July 20, 2012

Vaan Justin

Our peanut finally arrived!  Vaan Justin was born July 5th, 2012, at 11:27pm.  He weighed 7lbs 15oz and was 21.5 inches long.  Mom and Dad could not be happier or more blessed to have this little one in our lives.  Vaan, we love you more than words can say.  You came into this world with quite the fight, but regardless, we are extremely happy you are not only here but healthy!  Here is your birth story...

The doctors expected your arrival on June 23rd.  A week went by and you were still in Mom's tummy.  Dr. King thought it would be a good idea for you to come into the world on Monday July 2nd but Mom and Dad wanted to give you a little more time.  After seeing the doctor for a non-stess test that week, we all decided if you weren't here by Thursday July 5th, we would encourage you to come with medical intervention!  Mom, Dad, and Aunt Erica went to the hospital at 6:00am that Thursday morning.  We were all emotional, feeling happy and excited yet nervous and scared all at once.  They started and IV of pitocin and we waited for contractions to start.  Not long after, labor had started!  The pictocin continued to be inceased and Dr. King broke Mom's water, leading to several strong contractions.  Contractions continued to get stronger and longer, at some points there were 3 and 4 contractions on top of each other.  Mom tried to stay really strong for you, but after 12 hours, Mom gave in and got an epidural.  After this, your heart rate dropped and Mom's blood pressure dropped.  After some medication and oxygen, your heart rate came back up.  It didn't take very long, but it was a scary few minutes for Mom and Dad.  The nurse tried to keep the pitocin lower, but not enough progress was being made.  Your heart rate went up and stayed up in the 150s-160s.  Then, you pooped!  Pooping in the womb is some serious business.  Dr. King was worried you would swallow some of it and not be able to breathe when you came out.  So, a c-section was necessary.  Around 10:30 that night we made this decision and Mom and Dad prepped for surgery.  We all made it through the surgery just fine and you were born at 11:27pm.  Mom and Dad had tears rolling down their cheeks when we heard you cry for the first time knowing your lungs were working!  Your Dad watched your first few seconds of life outside of the womb.  He looked at your Mom and said, "he has a lot of dark hair!!".  Dad got to hold you right away and brought you over to Mom.  The three of us were together immediately and we knew from that point on there would be no separating this family.  We love you so much and are so proud of you!!

Here are a few pictures of baby Vaan!  More pictures and stories soon to follow :)



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