Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thank Heaven for Baby Boys and Little Sisters

The last few weeks have left me reflecting on how extremely blessed I am.  I am so fortunate to have such a perfect baby boy, a loving husband, an amazing family, and fabulous friends.  It is easy to get wrapped up in the day to day activities, the busy schedules, and the hopes for the future; however, I have realized how comforting it is to take time each day to be thankful for and cherish all the love that surrounds me. 

I would like to highlight my sister in this post.  Erica is my sister AND she is my very best friend.  She knows not only me, but Justin and Vaan as well, inside and out and would do anything for us.  I know this because she does everything for us most, if not all, weekends.  If there are dishes to be done, she does them; if there are clothes to be washed, she washes them; if I need someone to take Vaan for a bit, she plays with him.  I could go on and on about all the things she does, but most importantly, she knows what I am thinking and feeling without me saying a word and tends to my needs.  Even though she is my little sister, I find myself looking up to her ability to be so selfless and nurturing.  I have needed her more than ever, especially after Justin went back to work, and she knew that without me saying it and has been at my side to support, help, and love.  In all this, she has developed a special bond with Vaan that no other has and no other ever will.  Vaan loves his auntie just as much as she loves him and they will be buddies forever.  Erica is a God sent and I honestly do not know what I would do without her.  Thank you Erica for being the most amazing sister and friend anyone could every ask for.  I love you; we all love you and we are so thankful for you each and every day. 


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