Sunday, June 16, 2013

We Have A Runner at 11 Months

Vaan has made leaps and bounds this month, literally and figuratively!  With walking/trying to run, comes many falls but Vaan has really gotten the hang of being on his feet...all the time!  I think I saw him crawl twice in May.  He wants to be standing, walking, or cruising all day.  I have heard "the easy part is over" many times, but I think the fun is just beginning.  Vaan loves to be outside and explore, which he can do much more of now that he is walking on his own.  We walk to the garden and water daily, we "prune" flowers, aka Vaan pulls flowers off the stem, and we explore all nature has to offer in our yard!

Vaan's mind has also been spinning a million times a minute.  He is learning so much and picking up on thimgs so quickly.  He can show you where his tongue is, where is toes are, and where his fingers are.  He will tell you if he wants more or if he is all done.  He has also added quite a bit to his vocabulary.  Not only does he say mama, dada, uh oh, and book, he now says ball, car, cool, cold, whoa, 'Eeee' (Erica), go-ga (grandma?), and much more babble that we haven't quite figured out yet!  He loves to play pee-a-boo with you or in the mirror, he will clap his hands to the song "If you're happy and you know it", and will mimic almost anything you do - including burp (Mom is NOT proud of this).  Vaan has not found a blanket or a lovey that he is attached to yet, but in true boy form, he is attached to his toy mustang and drives it everywhere. 

This month we also took our first road trip.  We went to Green Bay for the race.  We switched to Vaan's big boy, fancy new Recaro car seat so he could be more comfortable for the ride.  Vaan did well for the most part.  He got a little antsy, but who doesn't on a 3 hour car ride?  Now that we have it in, there is no turning back with this new car seat; it's in and out for every stop we make!  Looks like we may be consolidating our errand trips!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, each month I do not believe it is possible for me to love Vaan any more because my heart is so filled right now or for life to get any better than it currently is, but somehow it just keeps happening.  I am so happy and proud of the little guy that Vaan is and am all smiles at 11 month.  I will leave you with pictures of our sweet little guy.

Cheers to running, exploring, and growing!

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