Thursday, January 31, 2013

Either You're SWAT or You're Not

When you live, breath, and sweat all things exciting and dangerous, being part of the police department's SWAT team is a huge goal of yours.  As of 1/1/2013, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED in the Stubbendick house!  Justin is the newest sniper on the SWAT team and could not be more excited.  Am I happy for Justin, YES!  Am I super excited that he will get called out for the most dangerous/exciting/craziest 'situations' occurring in our city, not so much!  Justin loves his job and takes several measures to make sure he is always at his best, able to perform and safely execute all tasks, and would never approach anything unprepared, so I do take comfort in that.  I am sure there will be nerve wracking times to come, but when it is all said and done, I am very proud of Justin and I am excited for him to start this new journey.

It did not take long for the first SWAT call to come in.  Just as expected, Justin was filled with excitement and adrenaline and I was filled with nervousness and knots in my stomach.  The mission went off without a hitch and we were all excited to have Dad home shortly after!

Dad's first SWAT call!

Peanut, You Really Are a Peanut At 6 Months!

I guess I should make a 6 month post before Vaan turns 7 months, huh?!  Between the holidays coming to a close, technical difficulties with loading pictures (I know it is hard to believe I still do not have this blogging thing mastered), and a little guy that never stops moving, time has gotten away from me!  Despite the fact that I wish time would stand still for a little while, I would not have things any other way.  At 6 months, Vaan is healthy, curious, and constantly in motion.  It is so amazing to see him grow, learn new things, and master more skills.  After seeing Dr. Ziegler, Vaan weighs in at 15lbs, 12ounces.  What he lacks in 'bulk', he does make up for in height and head circumference!  It is hard to imagine him being in anything more than the 19% for weight considering he can jump in his jumper for several hours throughout the day and still have energy to roll around on the floor and get into all kinds of trouble.  It is pretty crazy how much activity he gets in each day and is no surprise that he wants to eat ALL. THE. TIME.!!

Now that Vaan is 6 months, his taste buds have experienced quite the wild ride!  No more of that plain oatmeal; we are on to bigger and better things including avocado, sweet potato, banana, and broccoli.  Vaan is your typical boy and will gobble just about anything down.  He did have quite the face when he tried banana; I do not think he was expecting something that sweet.  It only took a few short seconds for him to process that bananas are quite the treat!  Apples and oranges and beans to come - oh my!

I know this next month will bring more challenges, more 'firsts', and a lot more fun.  I can not wait to share!  Until then, cheers to Lightning McQueen, sitting solo, and 6 months!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!

I can not believe the holidays have come and gone already (and I am so far behind on my blogging...gahhh!!).  What an amazing season it was in our home: family, friends, and so much love!  Even though Vaan is too little to know exactly what is going on, it was magical to watch Vaan's eyes light up when he saw the Christmas tree, to see him rip the wrapping paper off his presents, and watch him flash smiles and "check me out" eyes at everyone at family gatherings.

While Vaan did not know it was Christmas and while we did not completely empty our pocket books on the latest and greatest of toys, Vaan receieved so much, material and non-material, it will be a Christmas that will last a life time.  The simplicity of Vaan's happiness: Mom singing, Dad reading to him, Auntie Erica jumping around, Uncle Sean playing roll the football, jumping like a wild man, and sitting like a big boy reminds me, and everyone, the true meaning of the holiday and for this I will be forever thankful.  When times seem rough or the days get hard, I will remember this Christmas season and that happiness is simple.  It is not the amount of gifts we give or receive, the amount of money we spend, or what we are compared to others; happiness is being with family and feeling surrounded by love.  I am so thankful and appreciative of how much Vaan is loved and how much joy he brings others. 

Christmas time always reminds me of all that is good in the world:  lots of love, family, giving, and good cheer.  This year, this feeling of sentiment has been brought to a whole new level.  My home is filled with my amazing family and my heart is filled with love.  As the Christmas season comes to a close and we begin a new year, I could not feel more blessed.  Having a child gives living a whole new purpose and I thank God each and every day for the amazing life that has been given to me.  This first Christmas and New Year as a family could not have been any better; it leaves me feeling incredibly happy and extremely excited for what 2013 has to bring!