Thursday, January 31, 2013

Peanut, You Really Are a Peanut At 6 Months!

I guess I should make a 6 month post before Vaan turns 7 months, huh?!  Between the holidays coming to a close, technical difficulties with loading pictures (I know it is hard to believe I still do not have this blogging thing mastered), and a little guy that never stops moving, time has gotten away from me!  Despite the fact that I wish time would stand still for a little while, I would not have things any other way.  At 6 months, Vaan is healthy, curious, and constantly in motion.  It is so amazing to see him grow, learn new things, and master more skills.  After seeing Dr. Ziegler, Vaan weighs in at 15lbs, 12ounces.  What he lacks in 'bulk', he does make up for in height and head circumference!  It is hard to imagine him being in anything more than the 19% for weight considering he can jump in his jumper for several hours throughout the day and still have energy to roll around on the floor and get into all kinds of trouble.  It is pretty crazy how much activity he gets in each day and is no surprise that he wants to eat ALL. THE. TIME.!!

Now that Vaan is 6 months, his taste buds have experienced quite the wild ride!  No more of that plain oatmeal; we are on to bigger and better things including avocado, sweet potato, banana, and broccoli.  Vaan is your typical boy and will gobble just about anything down.  He did have quite the face when he tried banana; I do not think he was expecting something that sweet.  It only took a few short seconds for him to process that bananas are quite the treat!  Apples and oranges and beans to come - oh my!

I know this next month will bring more challenges, more 'firsts', and a lot more fun.  I can not wait to share!  Until then, cheers to Lightning McQueen, sitting solo, and 6 months!

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