Thursday, January 31, 2013

Either You're SWAT or You're Not

When you live, breath, and sweat all things exciting and dangerous, being part of the police department's SWAT team is a huge goal of yours.  As of 1/1/2013, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED in the Stubbendick house!  Justin is the newest sniper on the SWAT team and could not be more excited.  Am I happy for Justin, YES!  Am I super excited that he will get called out for the most dangerous/exciting/craziest 'situations' occurring in our city, not so much!  Justin loves his job and takes several measures to make sure he is always at his best, able to perform and safely execute all tasks, and would never approach anything unprepared, so I do take comfort in that.  I am sure there will be nerve wracking times to come, but when it is all said and done, I am very proud of Justin and I am excited for him to start this new journey.

It did not take long for the first SWAT call to come in.  Just as expected, Justin was filled with excitement and adrenaline and I was filled with nervousness and knots in my stomach.  The mission went off without a hitch and we were all excited to have Dad home shortly after!

Dad's first SWAT call!

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